Island settings
Island settings App in TIM will allow you to setup your own island. You will only have access to ISA if you have the Island Deed in your wallet.
Island settings include Plot/Property management where you setup how ownership for each of your islands plot will work. Each plot have a unique wallet id that is associated with that plot. The wallet will contain each Blueprint aswell as earned Tokens / Land tokens. Meaning that when you buy a Property Deed it can be pre-filled with content onchain. The wallet ID is connected to the Island property SID (Security identifier) in the Tropic Meta Island database. The Property wallets is listed in ISA and you would have the possibility to move between wallets as a Multisignature mechanism.
If the Property deed is sold you would not be able to do any settings for that property from ISA and that would move into Island Property settings to be availible for the property owner.
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