Problem we solve

Web3 community memorabilia

The issue we will solve is the Creation of a luxury feel innovative product that and cover all from design, development, packaging, tokengating and supplychain of the merchandise.

Today it is expensive for Web3 project to create innovative and unique products with extra value for the members and having a tee or hoodie is not enough for a community to build on, we feel that there is a need for innovating phygital merch for web3.

Also having merchandise / memorabilia created with good value and nice shipping rates is hard for a project to manage as there is so many other parts of the project the founders need to focus.

I feel that today most members gets sent a tee or hoodie with no extra value for triple the price of a hoodie in stores. This is becuse project founders has to buy small batches from big suppliers that will not offer good supply chain for these products.

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